Our Mission
PURE HEART INC provides a process for our students to express their ideas and thoughts. While choices are often limited in other areas of life.
PURE HEART INC incorporates everything from subject, to color, to media as well as creative writing, where students express themselves through speech, poetry, and journal writing. PURE HEART INC offers creative empowerment with a focus on themes, holidays and values.
Programs are tailored to meet the needs of schools, groups or individuals: Single workshops or series.
PureheART students use colors and words to express their personal strengths with patterns and textures. They share and discuss the creative choices they have made. The creative mood is enhanced through music, breathing exercises, and large motor activities. Group discussions help build social skills.
Providing service at many venues
• Artists in residence programs. • Intergenerational programs • Individual instruction • Celebration of the Arts Gallery • Weekend groups